Stone Paths and Driveway Options

Great stone design incorporates a look that blends your personal style, outdoor living element and further compliments the architecture style of your home. It provides beautiful curb appeal to your home's front yard, warmly welcoming guests to your front door. A well-designed path physically and visually connects the focal points of your overall landscape. While in the back and side yard, a beautiful pathway effortlessly guides your guests from one area of your property to the next.

Design options, materials and coordinated plantings (i.e. softscape) literally offer limitless combinations for creative and functional design solutions.


Our senior designers are sustainable landscaping experts and can help reduce your property’s impact on the regional watershed. We have plenty of beautiful and functional solutions available to incorporate into your outdoor space

Custom Pathways

Walkways help guide guests throughout your yard and they are also used to create a mood or atmosphere.

Sometimes we recommend a more formal approach, featuring straight lines and structured plant designs, where visitors can easily see to the focal point of a garden, water feature or gazebo.

While other times, we suggest the free flowing shape of a curved walkway. Curves naturally add mystery and practically beckon visitors to come on a journey and discover what lies around the bend.

Paver Driveways

Your driveway serves an important double purpose as part of your landscaping. It’s often the first impression of your home, while also needing to remain durable and functional for vehicle traffic.

Artistically, no other material option comes close to the level of beauty and customization offered by pavers. Paver material weathers the freeze-thaw cycle with grace and when properly maintained, can remain beautiful and functional for 50 years or more.

Sustainable Idea: There are many beautiful permeable options that greatly reduce water runoff, allowing for rain water to slowly sink into the ground underneath and recharge the local water aquifer.