Pondless Waterfalls

These water features offer the beautiful sights and sounds of rushing water can be added to any backyard landscape. Every one we build by hand is completely custom…the unique properties of natural stone, running water and yard site conditions guarantee that no two can ever be alike.

So what makes this a ‘Pondless Waterfall’ feature? Because there is no standing pool of water at the base. Water continues flowing downwards to an small underground storage basin, where a quiet pump sends the water back upstream to begin the waterfall cycle all over again.

Custom Design Factors:

Types of Rapids: Some customers like a flat ribbon that quietly cascades over a straight edge, while other clients prefer a deeper pitch and more aggressive water churn. Always full of twists and turns, we create designs options deliver a one-of-a-kind result that will have your friends absolutely stunned and jealous.

Direction: We work with the available topography to create a natural looking end result, while always seeking to keep the primary falls visible from inside your house.

We can design the waterfall and stream length to span 30 feet across larger portions of your garden. Or we can design a beautiful 4-foot feature that fits snugly into a small corner of your yard.

Sound: Believe it or not, the waterfall sounds are customizable as well…ranging from a whisper quiet trickle to a louder tumbling result.

Depth: Total vertical drop, deeper basin areas, shallow birdbath sanctuaries…all of these options are hand-crafted and keep your pondless waterfall a true work of art.